It’s hard to believe this is Adam Nevill’s first short story collection, given his the several (rather lengthy) novels he’s written in the last decade alone. Nevill’s novels, by the way, were the best kept secret among modern Literary Horror works until very recently; the first film adaptation of one of his books, “The Ritual,” [Netflix] was an instant success celebrated by critics as well as audiences who streamed it from all over the world. Consider for a moment the number of Horror films you’ve watched on Netflix in your life…if you’ve anything like me, it’s a big number, (and embarrassingly big number). Now how many produced/made by Netflix? My guess would be ~30% of their entire Horror catalogue were made by Netflix, but here’s my point(!): Of those films, how many were any good? Do you ever re-watch them or recommend them to your friends? My guess is that it is rare for someone to watch a Horror film made by them – or ANY major steaming service – that ends up being so good, you’re instantly curious about who wrote the story, or in this case, who wrote the novel that was adapted until such an unusually great horror film. I know you don’t understand (yet) what any of this has to do with this collection of short stories, but fret not, baby birds – I’m about to feed you.

Each of the short stories contained in, “Some Will Not Sleep,” are original, (something the Horror genre has always been thoroughly lacking: originality), in their conceit and masterful in their execution. I’ll spare you all that trite blurb you’ve probably seen a hundred times on a book’s cover about how, “[This author] is the British Stephen King!” (or some variation of that pathetic & misguided marketing tactic). But I am serious, in fact deadly serious, when I say that Adam Nevill is NOT “England’s answer to Stephen King,” because that would imply Stephen King is a very talented writer of Horror Fiction. Spoilers: Stephen King’s so-called “Horror” oeuvre is better suited for younger kids who have outgrown R. L. Stine, but are not ready to experience actual terror. Okay, I’ll stop bashing King since I’m certain most folks enjoyed his books as a gateway into the genre, so no offense intended. I just don’t understand how such mediocrity and lack of imagination is so ridiculously popular…as if to prove my point: Unless you’re already a fan of the modern Weird Fiction revival of the 21st century, chances are you don’t know Adam Nevill or any of his stuff. So let’s rectify this unfortunate situation. Buy this book and leave every single expectation at the door. You’re entering unfamiliar territory at night. You cannot see your hand in front of your face – that’s how pitch black this place is. There are sounds in the distance; twigs snapping, fallen leaves crunching, a cacophony of predatory animals in the distance howl & cackle as they alert you of their encroachment…all you can do is push forward into the darkness. The unknown.

Adam Nevill is your guide this evening. Hear you me, he’s one of the best in the business.