This review may contain a rant….sorry
Narration was great, The plot was interesting and had a good pace. I would say it was the equal of the first book. The only problem I had was at the very very end! I guess small warning for a slight cliff hanger. Uhg! I’m so pissed about the last scene! Without giving to much away I can tell you that it was 100% based off a stupid female emotional blow up. I thought it was very out of character for the normally level headed and realistic female character. Lol it left me pissed enough I’m writing a rant review about it! I can (begrudgingly) understand why the author did this. Sets up excitement and angst and conflict for the 3rd book. If everything is all happy lovey in paradise, makes for a boring read. I get that, I do! But cmon ! She discovered one lie (I lie made out of fear of losing her cuz he’s so madly in love) and now suddenly everything is a lie and betrayal and it was all fake manipulation?! Kinda makes her declarations of undying soul mate your my other half 1 in a billion love, seem alittle weak! God! Eeerrr I’m so pissy about this! *deep breath* On that note I am REALLY looking forward to the next book! As stupid as all that was, I’m getting the feeling it’s leading to some very hot rough he’s not taking no for an answer scenes! Ooo! Can’t wait! So is it worth a credit? Yes definitely. There was more sex in book two than in book 1 and it did not disappoint! I thought both narrators did a fab job. Oh! And I was also happily surprised(during a few brief scenes)to recognize some characters from another series of hers! Always fun to get a wink from the author ✍🏻 🤩😁