Arrow, always perceived as ‘perfect’ suddenly falls from perfection when he loses his temper, beats up someone and sent away from his soccer team for anger management and to coach a soccer team at the reform school for girls his mother runs.
Salem, raised with her sister Sara, by Arrow’s mother, recently admitted to the reform school when she tried to run away. Salem loves her sister’s boyfriends, her Darling Arrow”.
Salem soon learns Arrow isn’t who she thought he was, but loves him perhaps more deeply as she gets to know him. Arrow, learns, struggling against all the time, where his anger comes from and slowly learns who he is, not who he is expected to be.
Slowly the background of the people in the story is revealed and the consequences of expectations.
There is steam, angst, anger, dysfunctional relationship and twisted ideas of perfect and happiness.
The ride is a rocky one, but worth the reveals and results. great narration and worth the time.