This is a quick addition to the No Direction Home series. If you think it is just a setup book you would be very wrong. There is tons of action and gunfights. If you have followed this series, which I assume you have if you are reading book 3 All of the characters you have grown to love… and hate are featured in this book. The author again has very descriptive scenes which adds to the depth of our characters and habitat. This is a wild ride in such a short time. I am really looking forward to the next edition to this series. The narration is continued by Kevin Pierce and it is as good as ever. His voice is fit for this series. He does a great Irish accent as well as some of the female character’s voices. You will have no trouble distinguishing who is speaking. It is consistent with the entire series and adds tension to the fight scenes as well as some disappointment in others. Where Pierce really shines is during the narration of this story where no character is speaking and it is just the description of the scene or landscape. Overall, a really good listening experience. If you made it this far in the series then you will definitely want to continue onward, just like I do.