The only reason that I was able to finish this book was because it has good bones, so the main action and plotline kept my interest… It certainly wasn’t because of the protagonist, Capt. Curt Carson, as I found him to be a thoroughly unlikable character. He might not have been narcissistic, but he certainly loved the sound of his name, and it was used all the freakin’ time, all three words strung together, not one, not two, but All Three, ALL the TiMe!!! When he kept his mind on the business of warbots and surviving the military mission, well… that was pretty okay, but as soon as he got to thinking about women, including the female soldiers on his own team, I seriously wanted OUT of this predatory perverts head! Really, don’t get me wrong… there’s no sex in the book (thankfully), as it’s all innuendo, and implied, but that alone was uncomfortable enough to make me feel sullied and icky!
Sean Duregger is an okay voice actor, but he mispronounced several words and that would often pull me out of the book…
So for military action that’s packed full up with robots, a big thumbs up… but, if you’re looking for good character development, and a less chauvinistic overtone, you’ll need to go elsewhere for your reading material.