The main character find some women who have been brutally tortured and mutilated and left for dead (imagine the most twisted kind of things you could do to someone’s body, that’s what’s been done to them) the main character heals them back to health and rather than say something like let’s find people who did this to you or help me fight the villain running the city he enslave them. He literally enslave them. Several of the women protest wanting to leave his house but he forces them to stay through his mind control super/magical power.

Of course as the story progresses the main character starts dating them.
I don’t mind reading about main characters who are sociopaths or psychopaths. A clockwork Orange is a great book. Dexter is a great book. But the difference is that Either the characters or the author acknowledge that there is inherent depravity in some of the things being done.

Even if the book didn’t have this aspect it would still only be an OK book. (The main character can regenerate people and literally bring them back from the dead so there is absolutely no sense of danger of anyone actually dying in any of the battles)