This story follows Megan and her deathly ill daughter Caitlin. The pair stumbles upon a remote cabin. Megan breaks in hoping to find life-saving supplies but it appears that it is pretty well picked over. Megan is extremely tired keeping vigil over her child and falls asleep. The owners return. Luckily they are kind and offer to care for Caitlin and help them. Megan is hesitant to accept their help because in the new and old world people suck and can not be trusted. but Caitlin is too sick to go anywhere. This was enjoyable but predictable. The characters were well written and fun. This could be a good start to a great series as long as they stick with the same narrator.

I really enjoyed the narration of Andrew Tell. Mr. Tell did an awesome job. This was a great performance and I look forward to hearing more of his work in the future.

This review copy audiobook was provided by the author/narrator/publisher free of charge via Audiobook Boom.