Although Ms. Carriger and I have never met, every book in this series feels like it’s been written for/about me. I can relate to every character in a personal way. “The Enforcer Enigma” is particularly poignant because Colin’s life experience is very similar to my own. I can relate to all of his fears and foibles.

At 47 years old, I am still dealing with some of the fears Colin has. Reading Ms. Carriger’s novels, gives me so much hope and feeds my soul. I highly recommend everyone read this series (as well as everything else she’s written).

If you are part of the LGBTQ community you will relate to the characters and the issues they are dealing with. The witty and charming way Ms. Carriger writes makes each character real and relatable. If you are not part of the LGBTQ community, Ms. Carriger’s novels will help you learn about and understand the community and the issues we face. I have never read another novel that captures the reality of the community better. Ms. Carriger’s understanding of the LGBTQ community is unparalleled.

Nothing is more important than the love and understanding of pack. As stated at the end of the book “everyone needs a pack to come home to.”

I am so excited for the next book in the series and I hope there is a book for each character (I also hope we get a book about Agatha and one about Sophronia and Soap).

Again, I highly recommend “The Enforcer Enigma” and the other novels in the series. Reading them will change your life. Thank you Ms. Carriger for making the world a better place with your writing!