This is an amazingly told story that will hold you from the beginning to the end! It is a different kind of true crime then most to me, as this was a crime done purely out of what was thought to be absolutely necessary to save someone and not just a crazy madman that enjoys killing. This story saddens me in many ways. All true crimes do, but the complete control, mind games, and conniving ways that the main character was manipulated with makes this a bit different. It seems as if he needs mental help more than a jail sentence that will just continue to screw with his thinking. It’s just sad to me that a lifetime of bullying and mind games is what made him so susceptible to the lies thrown at him, when all he ever wanted was to be important and to do something good & meaningful. I in no way agree with what he did or believe he isn’t at fault, but I do believe that there are different kinds of criminals. Those that are truly evil and those that believe they are truly helping even saving someone by their actions.