This is a reread for me. I recently discovered that an audio had been released for this title. I have every Lutzke book, e-book and audible so this was a must buy. I have been in love with his writing ever since I read Of Flies and Foster Homes. Lutzke’s writing is not embellished. It’s simplicity is refreshing and he says so much more in those fewer words than novels twice the size. I have a child with severe anxiety so there is a special place in my heart for people that don’t feel as though they belong. My heart hurt for Levi and the purity that Levi maintains while on his journey leaves me at a loss for words. Skullface Boy touches me deeply and I again applaud the purity that Lutzke maintains while his characters face rather unrealistic odds. Like Of Foster Homes and Flies, Skullface Boy is a quick read. You can walk away from it simply enjoying the story or you can walk away with a deeper meaning beneath the surface of the words. Either way – the book/story is beautiful.
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