This game makes so little sense with how it functions and why things work the way they do. A lot of this games premise devolved into new aspects of a game a company never sold or hinted just leaving content to be wasted. The whole reason the mc is able to be op isn’t really leveraged that much since he just seems to survive things that one hit others. To sum it up.
-1 MC doesn’t leverage what should make them op. He just is better when it’s stated skills matter more than stats but as someone who’s never done anything he always seems to win
-1 doesn’t talk about how players react to being mind controlled in a game that gives nerve feedback and what that could mean
-2 turning the only other male character into a running joke constantly hit by others in the group for the same things the others do
-1 the aggressive double standards the mc has get old fast. He does crap worse then what some others do and then gets angry about it.
-1 the people who work on the game have literally no real power in the game what is the real point of them
-2 another White Knight and the psycho creeper. Of course the big bad is a creeper who tells some of the dumbest things like he hasn’t even meet his worker before. Also the mc saves the day after hearing this because he needs to look good.