The Queen of Snark strikes again!!

I listened this book in one sitting, staying up until 3am to do so. Like Morton’s previous books in this series, it was AWESOME! Unlike her other books, it was a bit angstier—in a very good way….the feels!!!

There was great balance between the feels and the funny. These two MCs are ex-stepbrothers and best friends. They love each other. Both are in love with the other, but will not put their friendship at risk by trying for more. Angst, angst, angst…they go for more. HEA.

Characters from the previous two books in the series make appearances and we meet Silas, brother of MC Henry, who stars in the book Oz (HILARIOUS!!!).

This one is a must for Lily Morton fans…and who wouldn’t be? She’s writing some of the BEST and FUNNIEST romance out there!