Not sure what happened here with this series, because this book isn’t living up to what has been published previously. Perhaps, the author had a set story to write and reached that and decided to continue the story rather than wrap it up. I would be happy if that is the case. Up until now the story and the writing has had a flow, events seemed to have a meaning, and everything seemed to be interconnected. In this latest installation however, it almost seems like the author is thrashing around in depths above his head. The flow and the gratification of experiencing the story is just not there, the way it was in previous books. If my hypothesis is correct, I do hope the author continues to see success and continues to write this series. However, that being said here are a couple of other criticizations.
It’s 2023 now. I’m not sure when you started writing this series, it seems to be getting a little more dated as it progresses. This is noticeable in regards to your references to getting likes on social media posts and videos. Yes that was a thing that needed to be addressed a few years ago. It is more noticeable however, as you repeatedly again and again stress his edge Lord persona as a thing. Sure it’s spoken of in sarcastic terms and using irony, but that was like 5 or 10 years ago, that edge Lords were a thing that existed to a point it needed to be criticized or addressed as a social issue. Edge Lords aren’t that big of a thing anymore, and we can definitely move on past that now.
More than that however, the number of times you use the word “however” is becoming an issue. It seems like every 15 minutes the narrator is stressing the word ( however ) followed, as is proper, by a pause which stresses the fact that the word however was just used. It’s repetitive enough to become noticeable and thus distracting.
All in all, I think this is a series that has reached either it’s conclusion and die off, or rebirth of a new story cycle. While I hope for the latter, we often see the former. We also often, see a series which reached its obvious end and was continued past its usefulness talent and value. I sincerely hope that the author can refind his footing, continue the story, and do so without meeting the pitfalls of an unending storyline with no true goal in mind. I hope he can pick it back up bring it back around and continue what has up until this point, been my favorite lit RPG series in existence.