I feel like the subject of inserting a generic person from a realistic portrayal of our world, and dropping them into a fantasy novel or game engine has been played out a lot. But with the best of them they will take their world concept and really flush out all the intricacies and economics.

Dungeon Crawler Carl uses the these concepts to make a compelling adventure story while sprinkling in a realistic commentary on consumerism and sensationalized media.

The proformance of Soundbooth Theatre is also incredible. With multiple voice actors and a range of audio effects, it goes a long way to boost this a tier above most other audio books in that regard.

This latest addition to the series is a great addition to an already great story. I can’t wait to see where the author takes the next few books.

ps. I loved the epilogue written specifically as an advertisement for Soundbooth Theatre while done canonically in world. Very smart and extremely funny.