This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review. Now this is the second book that I have listened to in the Roak Series with this narrator, and I have listened to several books by Jake Bible. I thoroughly enjoy Jake bibles books. They are action packed, the characters are vivid and brought to life by his storytelling. The Narrator does a great job by giving these characters a voice and personality. This book is action packed and moves at a nice pace. Not so fast as to where one would get lost, but not so slow that the listener gets bored. There were a few characters that were in this book that were also in the first book I listened to. These characters were familiar and I remembered them, but Jake also gives them a small introduction, so that a listener wouldn’t need to listen to all of the books in a series to get the story. What I am trying to say is this books stands on its own. If you enjoy a somewhat dystopian Sci-if, with Wild West undertones, you will like this book.