I really liked Salem, but Arrow… I just couldn’t get on board. I felt like he used her over and over and over again. He made it seem like he didn’t know that she was obsessed with him. He had to have known. I felt like he was cruel on purpose. I understand that they came to a mutual agreement about their “relationship”, but I didn’t like how he took out all his anger on her. Even though that was the plan. I felt like he DID redeem himself… at the end. Every other the page, not so much. Iadored her St Mary’s friends. They were always in her corner. I sure hope Roman in Gorgeous Villain can be the ultimate redemption for me.

Narration was darn near perfect. Jason Clarke is one of my favorites and we was fantastic as Arrow.

Sarah Puckett was also fantastic as Salem. Wow, so good! I finished the read just on the narration alone.