My Darling Arrow is signature Saffron!! Steamy, forbidden, ANGST and all the FEELS! The narration done by Sarah Puckett and Jason Clarke was PERFECTION! Their voices complimented each other and the passion and emotion in their voices I LOVED! Salem is sassy and sarcastic. She is passionate and slightly crazy. But she LOVES hard and has a huge heart. I loved her confidence and how she goes after what she wants without apology. She has loved Arrow for 8 years! Her love for him has been unrequited due to the fact that he is her sisters ex. After her latest act of rebellion she is sent away to a reform school. On the surface Arrow is the complete opposite of Salem, he doesn’t take risks. He is a perfectionist and lives life with caution. But on the inside he is pure alpha with a dirty/filthy mouth and mind. He has had his world turned upside down and now deep down he is broken and hurting. Arrow ends up inside the reform school as Salem’s coach and it’s about to get even messier for him and his heart. Not to mention the fact that he and Salem are even more forbidden then they already were. This is a MESSY love story. It is beautiful and different. It is not simple or sweet but the angst, passion and undeniable chemistry between them is incredible and you cannot help but route for them. I loved the message of self discovery and a love so big you are willing to risk it all. Saffron has created a world I did not want to leave! I absolutely adore Callie and Reed and am DYING for their story next!