This started off so promising. A high level gamer who is betrayed by his guild, forced to restart entirely from level 0 as one of the weakest monster races in existence, and then dedicates his new life to revenge against his former comrades? Sign me up. Envisioning a pissed off goblin curb stomping some arrogant fools sounds like a good time to me.

Problem is that there are a lot of problems. I have no idea why there are so many 5 star reviews. Forgive the wall of text, but bear with me here.

For starters, the main character is an idiot. I can’t remember his name, and I don’t care enough to go looking it up. This dude is responsible for creating an entire class of magic focused entirely on mana manipulation; a magic discipline that ought to possess limitless in its creative possibilities. He is a veteran player of the game, having been a member since the games creation and is one of its most powerful members. Yet despite this, when confronted with a basic mana shield in his new life, our hero is credited with the creation of a “drill shot” mana bolt. Despite his thousands of hours of gameplay, it took this moron getting turned into a goblin to even consider modifying his most basic attack. Worse still is the fact that after creating the drill bolt, he is CREDITED AS BEING THE FIRST PERSON TO DO SO. WTF?! You mean to tell me, that in a world where the only limit is the player’s imagination, no other player ever thought to mix basic science with magic?

He is frustratingly slow to pick up on mechanics and information. Anyone who has played enough games will eventually pick up a sense of how stories unfold, allowing us to predict plot elements or understand a games mechanics and information instantly. Information that the reader registers almost instantly takes our protagonist several paragraphs to understand.

This is an adventure for a grand total for 3, maybe 4 hours. After that its just a settlement building sim. Any hope of an engaging, gripping tale of adventure and vengeance is slowly snuffed out. And I mean slowly. It takes forever for anything noteworthy to happen.

The entire game revolves around the main character. Rather than watch what’s-his-name explore, adapt to, and understand a massive fantasy world; the fantasy world adapts to suit the needs of this one player, giving him special abelites and bonuses. Additionally, our protagonist is so boring. Rather than make use skill and creativity to progress (or cheesing gameplay elements. Lets be honest, we gamers love ding things in games we shouldn’t), our hero scoots by on his special treatment by the game’s god.

TL:DR; MC is dumb, shows no real knowledge of a seasoned game vet, OP gear/abilities are handed to him, world revolves around him, story is boring, and nothing ever happens, and Teka sounds like Gabriel Iglesias’s female impersonation. I can’t unhear it and neither can you.