Want an uncut gem? This book is uncut but not a gem.

The story starts out and introduces you to the main characters. The story moves well and appears to develop.

It does not last long.

When a tricky point is reached for one of the main characters to solve the book transitions to a summary of what was needed. It does not necessarily follow a feasible path and the author does not even attempt to explain. This is the outcome the author wants so it happens, even if he cannot provide a good story or details of how.

This continues on in the fights and repeats again and again.

The author also feels the need to provide thoughts of the characters as they talk to explain how you should view the main characters. You are not allowed to form your own opinion as the author explains what he is trying to convey.

The book and storyline is one that appears to have been written from a very young and inexperienced author. The book is lack and very unpolished.

I wanted to enjoy this book but by the end I just wanted it to be over. It ends like there is no sequel and I’m not going to look for one.

I would not like to read another from this author. This was half a book and missing too much.