I applaud the author for closing out a 10-book series in a unique way, never would have expected this. No matter what, I’m glad to have listened to this series as a whole, it provides a good framework for how a collapse is likely…..certainly won’t be zombies…..this is a real scenario that makes you think. I appreciate that he took the focus off of Grant for the last half of the series, it was getting annoying listening to the inner struggle all the time.

I’ve said before for 299 Days series, set your audible device to 1.2x and you’ll be able to stand the narration, otherwise, the reading is way too slow.

Overall, the series had limited action, which was a departure from my typical authors, but I realized the need to try to stick to realism. Overall, good job, great thinking, good writing. I’m glad to have had a family member turn me on to this series.
