Infiltrator is the debut novel of a new espionage/thriller series. The story revolves around the International Refugee Society (IRS); a black ops organization of genetic and cybernetic modified assassins, each identified by a letter of the alphabet. Their minds were cleared and reestablished as soldiers for the IRS, serve a ten year obligation, and then be released with their original memories restored. Our protagonist Agent G is one of the highly trained and modified killers. The difference with G is there seems to be a little humanity left within, which confuses and troubles him. He has vague recollections of people, which he believes may be memories of his past. G wants nothing more than to know who he was and return to that life. He has five years of service remaining. The tale is quite interesting and fast-paced with plenty of action. We’ll follow G as additional clues are revealed to his past and the identity he left behind. I enjoyed the book as the time flew by in one sitting. Jeffrey Kafer did a fine job of narration while bringing the story to life. I’ll pick up more volumes to this series as they become available. This audiobook was given by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review via Audiobook Boom.