The story continues immediately after the end of Book One and the plot continues to thicken. The intrigue grows, and we find poor Ruwen finally coming to terms with what he has to do. He probably would have figured it out sooner, if it weren’t for those darned debuffs!

The pacing of the story is perfect, and the introduction of new mechanics has you asking all of the right questions. Like a comfortable heavy blanket, you will find yourself enjoying on a cold day, this story will fill you with that same soothing warmth. You’ll become quite connected to the characters with their fun and believable banter. All of these things will leave you with a burning hunger for more.

It should also go without saying, but I find myself having to say it anyways. Travis Baldree continues to do a wonderful job and is quickly becoming my all-time favorite narrator, and he should be yours.

121% Recommend.