The Electrical Menagerie (The Celestial Isles, Book #1) by Mollie E. Reeder and narrated by Travis Baldree is a fun steampunk mystery! Would recommend if you are a fan of steampunk, illusions/magic, or mysteries.

Some things to expect: competition, MC’s perform for an opportunity to perform at the princess’s birthday, magic, illusion, corruption, robotics, great world building/descriptions and more. It was easy to picture myself front row at the show. Trying to come up with words to describe this book and I keep coming back to: steampunk themed circus mystery. It’s a medium-paced listen/read- action but not too slow where you get bored. The book doesn’t end in a cliffhanger (thank you Mollie!).

The narrator, Travis Baldree, was perfect for this book. His robotic voices were great! He definitely fits the steampunk genre nicely.

Overall, I would recommend and will be checking out book two. I wasn’t bored at any time and enjoyed the listen.

Note: parental advisory/trigger warnings contains minor spoilers. You’ve been warned.**********




Parental advisory/trigger warnings: death of a man, attempted murder of main characters, one of the MC was sick as a child, house fire, train derailment, death of MC robot, family tensions.

*I was given a free review copy of the audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review. Thank you for allowing me to listen and review the book!