I’ve been less than thrilled with this series up to this book. It was good enough and entertaining enough to keep me listening and engaged. I liked Marco (Poet) enough to want to hear more. The story wasn’t original and you could almost name a movie or book that “inspired” every page (minute?) of this book.

The narrator just needs to stop with the action movie guy voice. I’ve now said it three times, Mr. Kafer. By all natural and unnatural laws I believe you have to make a change now…I’m pretty sure that’s how it works. At least I’ve decided that’s how it should work.

Below I’m going to vent. It’s going to be vague, but it might be considered spoilers…its a fine line.

The ending…[Son of a Deity’s name here]…the ending. I listen to a lot of scifi and fantasy so I know I have a high bar for original content. I also have a 4 year old and I read a lot of cheesy books to him…some that physically hurt, but he likes it, so I do it. But the ending here was beyond painful and completely unbelieve. Just how? And why? Seriously, NO ONE in the world noticed?? Did they only talk to him?!?! And he monologed it!! He [Insert favorite curse word(s) here] monologed!!!

I’m done, Mr. Arenson. This is where we part ways.