Tangled Spirits is an usual book with a unique perspective: A young, modern American woman is transported to Medieval Japan and finds her spirit lodged into the body of a young Japanese woman, living all those years ago. The interplay between the two is delightful, and the narration is perfectly done.

Mina, the young American, is studying in Japan, and after she sees her boyfriend being overly friendly with a barmaid in a tavern, Mina takes a hike, and therein lies the tale.

This prize winning author makes Medieval Japan real and even understandable to the modern reader. What once would have looked like sheer superstition makes a kind of sense after listening to the book.

All in all, this is charmer of a book. It would make a marvelous movie or TV series.

More please. Will Mina return once again to Medieval Japan?

I hope so.