The previous books in the series weren’t as bad, but this book has dipped into some serious male ego stroking. The series went from an end of the world fiction, to ego stroking of men. It’s older, out of shape men saving the world, while the women all lose their brain cells slowly over each book, needing to be saved over and over, and in the end the main character get the pretty girl that is way out of his league.

Previous books in the series weren’t this bad. Book 1 had a southern woman that hunted with her father, proving her marksmanship in book 1, and all around kick butt kind of girl to ride beside during the end of the world. The other woman, a mother that ran a homestead on her own, including raising, butchering animals, and organized a local militia on her own. This books seems to have replaced those women with a couple of 4 year old, behind cardboard cut outs of adult women, with audio clips of them saying ‘How could I ever live without you’ and ‘Save the children”. They are not the same skilled women written in the first book.

As unrealistic as a bodice ripper fiction for the portrayal of the opposite sex, but for men.

I must be a glutton for punishment because I got the whole series all at once, I am hoping the next book is better.