– Josh here

Another journey into the world of Lazarus and The Shadow Court. Man, what a fun ride this series is. Once again, the depth put forth for each character really drew me in. Of particular interest in this entry, Darius and The Baron continue to be favorite characters of mine and I am anxious to see what the future has in store for Darius as he tries to go legit.

All of that said, how can anyone say that sausage is better than bacon? Bacon is the perfect food. But hey, as Liz said when I posted to her author page, the characters views do not necessarily represent her own. Plus, Lazarus is an otherwise awesome character so I can forgive that one viewpoint, haha. Also, listening to the description of Jolene and her smile as she was waiting for hot dogs, BAM! Right in the feels.

Travis Baldree did a fantastic job with narration as he did with Death Rites. Needless to say, I cannot wait for the next book to be released.