I do not leave many reviews, This being said I had to leave this one. This is a relatively short book but is absolutely fascinating. The author is a soldier in the Civil War, a private but it is clear that he has a good education but he does not get caught up in that. He tells a side of the Civil War from a regular soldiers standpoint that I have never read before in all of the books on the subject that I have read. For example he goes into great details about the two-tiered army, one part volunteers that could be counted on and the other “bounty jumpers” who were obvious and could not be counted on. He also discussed Petersburg in 1864 and how it was obvious from the common soldiers standpoint that if the Union attacked when they got there they could have taken Petersburg. Its not just a soldier bitching, he explains in detail how the common soldier could tell the quality and quantity of the men that they were facing. I highly recommend this book.