When a series of gory murders threaten to destroy the peaceful existence of the liberal inhabitants of West Hollywood (California), a befuddled Becky O’Brien, City Coroner, decides to call for help to his old University friend, Christopher Driscoll, who seemed to know a lot about strange murderers, even back then. But Chris knows much more than what Becky expected, and he soon identifies the murderer as a vampire, because Chris is a bloodsucker himself. With his irrepressible boyfriend Troy as companion, and with the aid of a series of bizarre beings, both human and inhuman, Chris sets to stop the dangerous immortal who threatens them all…
What a great story! I must recognise this audio gem kept me entertained and laughing out loud for most of the more than twelve hours of its duration. The crazy adventures and misadventures of Chris, Troy, Becky, Sheriff Clive, Scotty the ghoul and a long list of very special characters wisely mix terror and humour, thus creating a very enjoyable dark comedy. From this colourful gallery of extravagant characters, my favourite is undoubtedly Troy, aka monkey, a harebrained twink who despite making himself a nuisance most of the time, is fiercely loyal and has a heart of gold… or sort of.
As for Kitty Hendrix’ performance, it was just perfect. Her rendition of the characters, and her ability to provide her narration with different nuances make the experience of listening to this novel an utterly enjoyable one: Her Troy is hilarious, her Chris has a melancholic vibe, her Becky is naive but sharp as nails… She provided every single character with an unmistakable personality with easy. I loved every one of them (even Rex!)
In short, and audible gem I would not doubt to recommend.
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