This is a basic outline of the storyline and soils the books so beware, but I bought this as it was on a recommended list from audible and I finished it because I believed the reviews and was waiting for a condemnation of the behavior the books ends up endorsing and honestly, glorifying. This books tries to normalize a pedofile’s predation of an 8 year old girl that culminates, after 5 years of his grooming, in a sexual act with the girl who at the time is 13 while he is in his mid 20’s. The reviews lie about this book.

Here is the spoiler so stop reading now if you want. A bit into the book, the relationship with an 8 year old girl start innocently enough with an early 20’s young man who seemingly is protecting the girl from the awful world she lives in. As it progresses to her being 13 and inappropriate kissing and touching and sleeping together progresses into a sexual act between the two.
While the man goes to prison and the girl moves on in life she “loves him” and waits for him to get out of jail. She then finds him, she is now 21, and is upset when, after they have sex, he tells her that he can’t see her because his parole includes a stay away order. She then proceeds to petition the court and get that condition removed and they proceed to live happily ever after.

The only sane person in the book is the sun whom the author plays off as a nut because she is upset her 13 year old niece was the victim of the pedofile and remains upset upon finding out the 21 year old sought him out.

Pedofilia is pedofilia. There is no appropriate sexual relationship for a child so young. Disappointed in audible for recommending this book and I will definitely do more research next time before clicking on something audible recommends.