This is one of those books where I sincerely believe that it could have worked better without the LitRPG elements. This isn’t to say that the LitRPG doesn’t work. It is cool as hell, but I think that this would have actually been more powerful as a straight up fantasy novel. It is one heck of a magic system. The world is built with precision and purpose, and is one of the best fantasy settings I have ever read. The characters that fill it all seem to be major S.O.B.s, though, lol. This is moste certainly a place where you can trust no one. Everyone has an ulterior motive, and is out to remove you from their way or see what they can get from you.

There are some really scary things here, such as wraith collars and predatory dungeons. Sincerely, this world is a character unto itself, and Dante is just an intriguing character. I have to say that this book does one thing right comparede to 99% of all other books and that is the layout of the nemesis and the fate of said nemesis. It is handled the way any inteliigent person would, and when it happened I shouted out “YES!!!” Terzini knows how to put you in the car, strap you in, hit the buttons, send you up the hill, and just before you go over the top scream at you that the rollercoaster has no brakes!!!!! The ride requires very little set up, and once the story starts going it never stops. There are parts that are just heartwrenching, and others where you cheer and shout for joy! I loved every minute with Dante and want more right now.

Jeff Hays is on point narrating, and dang if this doesn’t seem to be his best work. I mean you could just feel Dante’s suffering in his voice, and the growl from his anger put off heat. You ever see the movie Dune? Where they have the weirding modules thatallow a person’s voice to set fires, rend flesh, and shatter stone? Yeah? Well, I think Jeff is about to lose the need for a weirding module. His vocal powers are legendary, but here he just stomped Zeus into the dirt leaving godhood behind and becoming a full fledged Titan. He just brought this book home in a solid gold limousine. I don’t know how he does this everytime, but he is continually improving and getting stronger. Rock Solid narration. Nuff said. Even though I did receive a promo code for this review it in no way influenced my considerations of the material, and in fact, inspired me to be more honest. In fact, getting a code generally makes me harsher as a reviewer as I am more often concerned what someone like Me will decide based on my review.

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