This book is an absolutely excellent continuation and may just be better than the previous book.

The exploration of weakness and mortality is something I dont often find in other LitRPG’s. (Even if this one doesnt share the typical tropes of the genre.) I love that our chracters are getting stronger and finding new power. The fact that even though they are stronger than any normal human but still have such glaring weaknesses and still encounter people significantly stronger than them is exhilarating!

Delvers LLC is tasked with a new mission, they begrudgingly accept and begin preparations. Although they dont really make any real headway with their mission and it feels like they are slightly off track, the journey is always more fun and interesting than the reward.

Jeff Hays continues his amazing job and expertly portrays each of the characters. While I find one of the newly introduced characters a bit too rowdy, it is appropriate for their personality.

Each character is mortal. They have weaknesses. They bond together to become stronger. They are not immune from injury or loss. This is what makes this book different.

If I had to list one thing I have trouble with it is the names. It was different in the first book where the Jaguar clan had such odd names. I got used to it and knew how to differentiate most of them. This book however introduces a certain group with Asian sounding names. I have no issue with Japanese but Chinese is a weakness of mine.

The entire group has nearly impossible names for me to remember. They all have similar voices and they are mentioned so often that they all get jumbled in my head. Part of this is my fault for not being able to be understand. However, I also feel like the author could have made it at least a little easier to understand.

In the end, the names fit the characters and some of them are alien anyway so it doesnt really matter.

Overall, this book is an amazing piece of literature and highly recommend it. I am slightly disappointed there is currently only one more book in the series. I have high hopes there will be more though.