Bubba (with terrible, robotic acting): “oh no. Look at that giant, angry gowrow.”

I think I just might like this spin-off better than the original Bubba The Monster Hunter by John Hartness. That series started out great, with redneck and juvenile jokes dialed to the max, but lost me as it relied too much on the same tired plots and creatures seen in any number of fantasies. I don’t want another werewolves versus vampires series. I don’t want faeries and elves and dwarves. I want cool and unique monsters and a rollicking good time.

“What I saw … made my skin crawl …”

Each chapter and “book” throws down clickbait in the best satire of ghost hunting shows, or Steve Irwin’s kid-like enthusiasm as he cozied up to dangerous wildlife. Yes, there’s some cussing. Yes, there’s mercenaries getting chomped horror-movie style. But it’s very comicky blood and guts, and really has only redshirt death.

“Mason Dixon: it’s what’s for dinner!”

Aside from the Bubba cameo, the main connection to the original series is the cryptid police agency D.E.M.O.N., which serves as a convenient, and faceless, antagonist. There’s a loose plot involving them as a growing threat, however in the end, it’s all about the fantastical creatures. The gowrows, jilicutes, zigmals, bingbuffers and whistle-wompers made this a super fun ride.