“Demon Lords” by E.A. Hooper is a continuation of the author’s engaging and imaginative series, known for its creative world-building and compelling narrative. The story follows the protagonists as they navigate a complex universe filled with challenges and threats, with a particular focus on the titular Demon Lords. The narrative maintains its pace with a blend of action, adventure, and character development, keeping the reader invested in the unfolding plot. However, the story takes an unexpected turn towards the end. The introduction of a lesbian couple, without any prior development or integration into the storyline, feels abrupt and out of place. This sudden inclusion appears to lack the depth and purpose that characterizes the rest of the book, giving an impression of being more of an afterthought or an attempt to pander to current trends rather than a thoughtfully developed part of the story.
While I appreciated the book’s imaginative storyline and the author’s ability to create an engaging fantasy world, the last-minute introduction of the lesbian couple without any substantial character development was disappointing. It felt disconnected from the main narrative and seemed like a forced inclusion, rather than a natural progression of the plot or character arcs. This aspect of the book overshadowed my overall enjoyment of the story and has influenced my decision not to continue with the series. I had expected a more coherent and seamless narrative from Hooper, and this sudden shift in the story’s focus was jarring. Consequently, I’ll be returning this book and will not be purchasing the third installment in the series.