So this is listed by Audible as book 8, but Goodreads has it listed as book 0 and it’s noted as a prequel. I really like to read things chronologically – so skimmed the reviews and saw a few folks mention while good for fans of the series, starting here was a good idea.

Whoah! This was a really great listen. No stopping, rearranging my TBL to listen to more of the books, totally sucked into this world listen.

This sets up the various events and players that instigated &/or will feature in the Five Roads to Texas apocalyptic zombie series. I was a little worried that a weaponized virus story might not sit too well considering the last two years, but this story is so different that I wasn’t feeling any comparison to real life. That said, there’s definitely a level of authenticity and believability that gave me chills at times.

While it feels slightly disjointed at first – because there’s so many moving parts and people who don’t seem to have anything to do with each other – as it all comes together every chapter before was absolutely necessary. There’s villains, doctors, current & former military, as well as just plain normal every day people.

As this is meant to be a teaser to the full series, this absolutely ends in a cliffhanger. However, at 8.5 hours this is full of plenty of mystery, suspense, & thriller elements to feel worth every penny spent. I can’t wait to start book 1, Five Roads to Texas.

Narration: I’ve listened to other thrillers narrated by Andrew B Wehrlen and was just as impressed this time as in the past. Probably more. Lots of accents, genders, and personalities that he kept distinct and consistent. Very emotional scenes that he handled really well. I’m excited he’s at the helm for the entire series.