The narration was spectacular! Joel Leslie is a master at accents, sure, but his ability to bring emotion and truly feel the characters is remarkable. This is a book I loved in E-book and the audio in another layer of depth draped over this amazing story that brings it out even more. Joel made sure every one of the lifeguards is a unique, distinct person, it was like I was watching an episode of Bondi Beach.

I was sunk deep into this book, gladly letting it pull me under. Flash Rip has managed to capture the vibe of the TV show Bondi Rescue – that I actually watched a bit online. I really like Documentary-reality type shows that have all the action of rescuing and dangerous situations and this book really got that feel through it and all the rescue and lifeguard procedures seemed authentic and were fascinating. It was really enjoyable to dive into the ‘reality’ of the rescuers at Barkin Beach with a cast full of memorable supporting characters. I fell into to rabbit hole of the TV show again these last month or so, and reading this book again (now in audio) is just spot on exactly like it happens in real life!

Liam is such a compelling character, he evokes the need to care for him (and no wonder Cody does). Liam embodies the complex reality of many gay men in hyper masculine environments and I was both frustrated and understanding of his conflict and ingrained fear.

Cody is a character you enjoy reading, he has such a strong drive for achieving his goals, is compassionate and kind. Cody truly sees Liam, and although they had their issues with Liam so deep in the closet he was much more understanding then many characters in similar situations in other books I read. They have amazing chemistry, explosive in it’s intensity and super, smoking, lava HOT scenes that will melt your freezer in the dead of winter. The kinky side of their relationship was also a surprising, delightful bonus.

In it’s core this book is about living the life you wish for, not letting others hold you back. Breaking free of expectations and societal boundaries, being true to yourself fully. This is the most important part about this book, and it’s greatest achievement. A wonderful story I would gladly read more of (or maybe other characters from the rescue team).