I love this book. I always love knew and interesting takes on the Supernatural world and this is definitely one of those. There are many different subsets of beings involved but it doesn’t feel forced or inconsistent it feels natural which is not always the case. I’ve definitely read books that feel like they are checking of a list of beings they want to use with no real reason and it makes for a boring story this was not that. This is makes sense even though we haven’t dove all that far into the history or worldbuilding yet It’s not confusing or unclear and she didn’t give us to much or too little to understand the story and not get board or confused. It’s fun and serious at the same time and I love the dynamics between characters. The mystery of what’s going on is interesting and keeps you hooked. Every character is fun and unique and I never want to leave this world behind. The romance although secondary to the plot was sweet and I loved every second of it. Also Joel Leslie does it again and narrates so beautifully definitely worth listening to.