this is such an amazing book series I love it I love this book series very much I can say that out of all more Goodwin’s books which I’ve heard every single series and I’ve done every book series that he’s ever written. I’ve been a fan of Mark Goodwin since he wrote the book series Cyber Armageddon Narrated : by Stacy Glembowski so I’ve been a fan of marketing since almost beginning he only had a couple of series is out at the time. I believe it was just days of Noah Days of Elijah and the Economic Collapse Chronicles. every single audiobook series every single book of every series oh now of course i don’t want to forget the one serious he did as well Seven Cows Ugly And Gaunt. I thought was really one of the most amazing book series has ever written!!!! I mean you can’t go wrong with his book series I also really loved the Black Swan Series Oh Man Was That Good!!!!! [I love how there’s no curse words there’s no sexual stuff and when I listen to a Christian Faith Based Book series I know that In am not doing something leading me Into Sin. compared to the garbage on TV and music on the radio that’s just absolute filth. I feel so safe and comfortable and I also at the same time feel like it’s challenging my faith in a good way hearing how they’re living their lives for God in these books but also maybe challenge me a little bit by getting me out of my comfort zone and maybe doing something I never thought of doing because of the motivation and the inspiration that God has given to me through these books. so yeah it’s a little uncomfortable cuz you think oh I like to do the things I do for the lord it’s a routine but God doesn’t want us to have a routine he wants us to get out there and to live our lives with the Lord he doesn’t want us to get comfortable because once we get comfortable sometimes we get to lax in what we have been called to do. so when we stay in that edge of our seat we want to continuously see what we can do for God cuz we’re constantly on the move constantly doing things that oh man this what if they don’t like this or you get these feelings oh no what could happen but we always know that even God’s hands but it helps us to strengthen our faith constantly grow constantly moving to another level with the Lord. not just being comfortable on one level but wanting to continuously move forward and do other things to help get us to a have a stronger closer relationship with our God and King. and it’s something that we can do with the family and not feel like we’re doing something that’s causing our kids to have temptations or sin was doing something very safe for our family to listen to this radio audiobook in our CD players and have the family sit around and listen to it and just go oh man did you hear that oh man did you hear what this just happened . are you like oh man can you believe it Emilio just got shot oh ma April got shot oh is she okay oh no David died these are all fictional names that are not in the book except for Emilio I used other names just as example of the feelings I was getting in this book series so don’t worry none of the names I mentioned except for Emilio’s we’re going to give anything away I did not mention any names to give away what happens in the book. if you want to find out what happens to the characters in this book with Mackenzie, Emilio Michelle, Roy & Click and many othersyou’re going to have to buy the book to find out and trust me you will not regret it it’s going to be one of the greatest book series you’ll read in a long time. every time he does a book series he just outdoes himself every time. Every book series that Mark Goodwin writes out does the previous book he has written. each book that Mark Goodwin writes only gets better and it does only get better, better & better. God bless you tell my brother and sisters in Christ God bless you mark Goodwin and thank you so much for these wonderful blessings of books. I am so truly thankful and I thank you for helping me become stronger in my faith and I thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to help us search inside ourselves to see if our faith is genuine and strong as we think it is and if we could be doing better in areas that we know we should be doing better in and are we trying as hard as we should be and are we building a relationship with our Jesus everyday like we should be are we trying to see what we can do for God and not look for what can God do for us all the time. Jesus Christ died on the cross he’s our savior he rose from the dead of the third day he’s not a genie just to keep asking for stuff from. Jesus wants to have a relationship with usand if you truly believe in Christ Jesus and have a personal relationship with them you’ll know it’s not about what you can get it’s about what you can do for Jesus. It’s also how excited we are to go out and reach others & do what Jesus is calling us to do & it’s exciting to know what God’s will is for all of our life Amen. please buy & read this book you won’t regret it I guarantee it. it’s got my seal of approval that’s for sure. God Bless you all.