I really struggled with this story during the entire wind battle section. Magic systems just sort of showed up (when was I supposed to have known about the blood bending ability? It caught me by surprise). I found it, frankly, boring because I had yet to be connected with any of the main characters. I got a whole bunch of observations without context of the observer.

I did appreciate the growth of the other main character, and because the “action” descriptions in later chapters were connected to a character whose inner world and motivation were familiar, those observations were set in a familiar context and made more sense. So much was missing, though, due to lack of character introduction and flushing out prior to attempting to get character to move story along. It would have helped understand Misaki better if we had “seen” her in some of her old life – claims of how wild things were(and what was it exactly that they did, and why?) just don’t carry enough information.

Otherwise, disconnected. It did not help that narrator was stolidly male. Deadly dull during battle, and interfered with character/reader bonding.