This story was mostly great for me with only a few key, but not crippling gripes.

The first is the lack of focus. I really, really hate these jack of all trades litrpg protagonists. The authors give them dozens of skills, instead of focusing on a few powerful ones and mastering them. I almost cheered when Alistor first learned the levitate spell and tested it on the spear, then he proceeded to dump his stats into his magical abilities. That’s awesome! An interesting application of magic that he can build on and grow!

Then he learns a fireball and uses that for the rest of the book. How…original. He’s also using guns like a marksman and weapons like a bruiser for some reason. It’s incredibly dull and annoying, especially with how versatile levitation and general telekinesis (as it was teased) would be, and interesting.

Which leads into my second big gripe. The fight scenes are really dull. And annoying. Ninety percent of them involve Alistor being eaten, then killing them in the process. No sense of self preservation, no strategy. Run in, swing your weapons, get hit, win.

I found myself zoning out a lot during fights honestly.

I really loved Fuzzy and the world building though. I can’t wait for the year to be up.