This book simply being written numbs society to the widespread issues of pedophiles and how it is seen as okay by many depending on who tells the story. Unfortunately, the young victims aren’t able to intellectually outsmart the ones who preyed upon them. Then, any justice system only does more damage to the child, making them think they’ve done something bad when they truly don’t understand what is happening.

This book made me sick. Why did I read it? I thought it was about a self selective mute and someone who broke through that barrier. I was hoping to learn a skill as I helped raise a child with this disorder and would only speak to myself and a handful of other people. Once I was invested in the book, I wanted to see him in jail!!!

How do people review this as a great book? A love story? Romantic?

OMG!! It is nothing more than a grown man grooming a young girl and eventually acting upon his thoughts. It doesn’t matter how nice he is. When a man in his mid 20’s is “courting” a child under 10, that is SICK, DEMENTED, & PERVERTED. The child doesn’t understand. She becomes brainwashed, not knowing what is right or wrong. She only knows what HE tells her since she’s no longer around anyone else to know anything different.

Not only was the man 100% guilty of being a pedophile along with endangering a child, providing alcohol to a minor, murder, etc, but the parents were in full knowledge of this with the dad giving permission to him -actually signing a piece of paper he could have her, but laughing and saying he could do better! Add to this already horrible scene, the townspeople knew, teachers knew, other kids… no intervention was given. Well, a bit of intervention was tried at the school with trying to contact the parents, but instead of the parents showing up… her lover boy did instead on his motorcycle!

This is an AWFUL book!

Please DO NOT SUPPORT IT by downloading it.