A young man named Danny begins having prophetic dreams about the financial collapse of America. Soon, the stock market takes a dive, confirming his prophetic dream. Just as he thinks things can’t get any worse, another dream warns him of an impending EMP about to darken the continent. Danny and a small group of friends and family race against time to get out of the city and head to his grandmother’s farm seeking safety. But there’s none to be had in this new chaotic world where man’s depraved and violent nature only becomes more and more evident with the passing of time.
The Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt Series was another excellent read from Mark Goodwin. It’s the story of a man whose fervent faith carries him through the most difficult and trying of times. As with his other books, this novel set lacks profane and sexual content, making it that much more enjoyable. The only negative thing I have to say about the series is that it’s written from a heavily Protestant perspective. Although the author isn’t negative toward Catholicism in his writing, his soteriology does bleed through.
I rate this title an A and would definitely recommend it.