Gah, I love Arden St. Ives!

But let me tell you, I’m glad I didn’t read any of the reviews beforehand, just went by my girl Mo’s recommendation. Because if I had seen the references to this book being the gay FSoG I would have skipped right over it. And that would have sucked for me, because I have fallen so hard for Ardie! He’s adorable and funny and sarcastic and speaks before he thinks and I just adore him.

Now Caspian, he’s quite another story. He’s got some issues, but unfortunately we don’t learn a lot about him in this book. Just enough that, like Arden, I don’t know if I want to smack him or hug him. Hug might not be exactly what Arden said, but I’ll stick with hugging!

I will say this book was quite intriguing- I want to learn more about Caspian and find out why he is the way he is. And I just want to spend more time with Arden! But from reading a few of the reviews for book 2 I’m going to hold off on that one until book 3 comes out- sounds like How to Blow it with a Billionaire leaves you needing more!

Joel Leslie knocks it out of the park once again. I don’t know how he does it, but he brings out the vulnerability in characters so perfectly. His portayal of Arden was wonderful, he had me cracking up with the silly things Arden said and did, and tearing up at times, too. He gave Caspian that bit of high and mighty air without making him too pretentious, just perfect!