Title: Sawyer

Author: Siobhan Davis

Format: Audio

Narrators: Alexander Neal, Sarah Puckett, Zane Daniels

Genre: Romance, MM, MF, Forced Marriage, Arranged Marriage, Suspense, Secret Societies, Second Chance

Standalone: Not really, Different couple but the overarching story is in full swing. Works best if you read the earlier books first

Part of a Series: Rydeville Elite book 6

POV: Sawyer, Sydney, Xavier

Steam Level: Steamy at times


Once I started listening to Sawyer I didn’t want to stop, listening for longer than i was planning. I was addicted and loved the duet narration. I saw some of the reveals coming but others that I thought were coming did not. Sawyer is forced by his parents to marry Sydney in order to save their business. The problem, Sawyer has been secretly seeing Xavier. Well, not secret to their friends and the readers, but secret to his parents. Sawyer (the book, not the character) is action-packed – just as violent and bloody as the earlier books and past characters are also dealt with. Some ginormous reveals are set into motion in the last chapter and I cannot wait to see what happens there. Siobhan Davis is quickly becoming must-read author and I’d buy all her books if I have the money. Sawyer deals with heartbreak and acceptance, love and revenge and whole host of emotions.

I received this audiobook from Audiobook Obsession and Pink Flamingo Productions. This is my honest and voluntary review.