This book has been moved super high up on my list of go to read agains!!! I loved it when I read it last year and I loved it even more as I enjoyed it a second time, this time through listening to the audiobook.

Oh my heavens and my heart!!! All the stars and heart eyes for Scarlett and Kane!!! My emotions were all over the place with this one. Which always happens for me when I read books by Jennifer Peel. I love her writing style and the characters she creates and shares with us readers.

I finished listening to the book and wanted to go back to the beginning and listen to it again. I just can’t get enough of these two! They’re adorable and spunky and perfect for each other. But they have some bumps in the road to get over. Some made by others and some by themselves. But from the get go, I couldn’t help but adore Kane and his goodness towards Scarlett. For really, truly seeing her and helping her to gain confidence in herself and seeing herself! Everyone needs someone like Kane to cheer them on and to let us know that we are of worth and loved!

I had several moments when I was busting up laughing out loud. Hee Hee! If I wasn’t alone while listening, I probably would have had some very concerned looks sent my way. Good thing I didn’t listen late at night while my hubby was sleeping next to me. I probably would have woken him up…ok, not probably, I totally would have woken him up.

With all the laughter, witty banter, spunk, etc., there’s plenty of the opposite emotions. I had my fair share of sadness and feeling Scarlett’s heartbreak and hurt and wishing for love and family and so much more. I couldn’t help it! Jennifer Peel must be a major people watcher because she conveys emotions and relationships and connections so well. But with all the opposite of happy emotions, I loved it all and I loved the ending. The journey through this story for these two is well worth reading and enjoying! Read it or listen to it!!! Definitely worth it!

Content: There are some innuendos throughout the book. Not squeaky clean but nothing explicit. There is kissing, sweet kisses and the characters do make out.

Happy Reading!!!