I bought this primarily for the bundle value, and it was well worth it. The stories are believable and relatable enough; sometimes a bit overblown with emotion, but gripping besides that fact… My only complaint with any of the books is this overblown emotional-non logical perspective that the stories roll out with. A Female writer and Female primary protagonist explain this, but you’ll literally find yourself screaming at this characters asinine rationalizations and decisions at certain times. You do not have time to whine, complain, and overthink things (To the point of incredulity if this was real, and I think an insult to the reader’s intelligence …) in a crisis situation. If there’s a fire, then you put it out; you do not whine and opine about how bad the fire is and the merits of the fires origins.
Having said that, the rest of the story was entertaining in its way; so long as you can stomach a certain characters proclivity to blather on at times.
Only a fool would not consider the real and likely implications of an EMP Event