This is the ending of the War Aeternus series, and it did not disappoint. After reaching the conclusion and seeing how everything tied together, I go the sense that Charles had the entire story planned out from the beginning. More than anything else this story felt final. There were no loose ends, everything had closure.

I’ve come to love the characters of Lee, Jade, Ling, and Miller. IMO, these are some of the genre’s most unique characters, and I feel like they’ve gotten the ending they deserved. Nearly every major character in this series has evolved and changed in some meaningful way. Lee is nothing like the same character who he was in the first book. Neither is Jade, or Ling. Miller has been pretty constant, but I wouldn’t have expected otherwise.

It’s a bit sad to know that I’ll never be able to return to the kingdom of Spicy Chicken Noodle Surprise, never see Miller tear out a man’s spinal column through his eye socket and never hear Jade describe every mundane aspect of existence in terms of anime and video games. But all good things must eventually come to an end, and these characters deserved closure.

The narration was top notch. Jeff Heyes does a brilliant job as both Jade and Miller. His impressions of those two characters never failed to leave me in proverbial stitches.

If you’ve already come this far, do yourself a favor and listen to End of the Faithful. If you haven’t started the series yet, I can wholly recommend it, particularly now that it has come to a definitive conclusion. All I can say is that you’re in for an exciting ride.