Being a prepper has really helped Addison but he has decided to leave where he is and seek out his Uncle Izzy, so the plan is to bike his way to his uncles with his bow, a gun or two and some food. What he doesn’t plan on is finding another survivor and not really know if the pregnant girl, Ava, is friend or foe but now she is going with him. Will they find others, will they be friend or foe?

This book is non stop action and suspense. The characters, I believe, are realistic for the situation and that might be hard sometimes to get the character where the author wants it to go while keeping it real. I had the audio version and it was narrated by the wonderful Kevin Pierce. Mr Pierce can make you feel like you are on the road with Addison cheering him on and trying to help him through the rough spots. This is really a book for today but will be good for any day.