“Mimic & Me” is a powerhouse of an audiobook that delivers on every front – thrilling action, biting humor, and compelling characters. It’s a classic tale of an unlikely duo and their mutual struggle for survival that will have you laughing, gripping the edge of your seat, and shouting in triumph. If you’re a fan of the “Venom” dynamic in the Spiderman series, you’re in for an absolute treat.

Firstly, let’s talk about the pacing – it did alright. The story flows decently from one scene to another, and there are just a few dull moments throughout the story. Every chapter serves a purpose, fortunately, and adds to the overall story arc. The writing is on point, showcasing that the author’s can write well.

The character development is exceptionally well done. Both Mimic and its host embark on a journey of self-discovery that is expertly woven into the narrative. You’ll find yourself rooting for this odd pair as they navigate the trials and tribulations of their entwined existence, their growth and development are nothing short of captivating.

Now let’s get to the hilarious bits. “Mimic & Me” is chock full of comedy that is equal parts witty and absurd. The banter between the characters is laugh-out-loud funny, and the situational humor is simply gold.

A special shout-out goes to the narrator, who adds a whole new level of awesomeness to the audiobook. The voice acting is superb, creating distinct and memorable characters that are just a joy to listen to. I was so impressed by the narration that I’ll be eagerly awaiting the sequel just to hear more of their fantastic work!

To my fellow listeners out there, if you’re on the fence about spending a credit on “Mimic & Me,” let me assure you – it’s absolutely worth it. This is a story that will stay with you long after you’ve finished listening, and it’s a wild ride you won’t want to miss.

Verdict: Absolutely worth the listen.

P.S. To the author – one small suggestion for the sequel. I would love to see more dialogue from the Mimic itself. The dynamic between the host and the Mimic is one of the strongest aspects of the story, and it would be great to explore their relationship further through more internal conversations. Even if it’s just the two of them bantering or debating in the host’s mind, I’m all for it!