This ended up being: 80% exposition, 15% unnecessary/overly descriptive sex scenes, and 5% plot.

The blurb seemed perfect for me: vampires =fantasy, ancient Egypt = a personal enjoyment of mine, LGBT leads = FINALLY!
I was hoping for an enjoyable use of historical figures and locations to tell an adventurous tale with an LGBT perspective. What I got was every vampire trope possible crammed into this 12 hour audiotape. It spends far too much time creating the universe which isn’t really unique or interesting, completely failing on relating it to ancient Egypt as promised. Every so often the exposition takes a break for some really crude sex scenes that could have been implied or briefly mentioned, but somehow we have what I can only describe as literary porn. Cringe worthy and waiting for it to end so we can move the plot. Speaking of which, I had so much hope with the main story! Seem interesting enough, but (without spoiling anything) all this built up ending on 1 chapter of action that wasn’t even that big of a deal.
I appreciated the narrator, very impressed with his talent. And I applaud the author for going against the grain with an LGBT take on the vampire craze. But I am unfortunately disappointed. I really wanted to enjoy it.